Chefs in the kitchen
I’ve enjoyed every single one of Shereef’s videos I’ve seen so far, and this one was no exception. In his Fireside Chat video, he brings up 2 topics that hit home:
He talks about a restaurant vs kitchen approach. A restaurant mindset is the idea that I paid for DBC, so I’m owed a certain outcome or experience. I find myself with the restaurant approach a lot. I work hard for my money so I expect to get what I pay for. The danger of that belief is that I become entitled but powerless. I cease control of my experience rather than own it. The other mindset is the kitchen approach, where we see ourselves as chefs in the kitchen, creating things together with DBC. The kitchen mindset is powerful because I start owning my education rather than giving that ownership to DBC.
The second topic I struggle with is dealing with fear. Fear that everyone in your cohort will be better than you and fear that you are far better than your cohort and they’ll drag you down. The best part of the video is when Shereef puts things in perspective, he says the difference between someone brand new and someone with more experience is very small.